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Birth Control and the Christian | beautyandhealth
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Recently we received a call from a man, if we asked everything we can to send him on birth control. He and his wife were discuss the issue, and he was looking for information could clarify the issue. So it happens that we are in 1986 published a booklet entitled “Family Planning and God Word. “We decided that part of this new edition Brochure on contraception. There is enormous pressure on couples today in practice some form of family planning. Only a few decades ago, most couples gave little attention to the issue, but that is no longer Case. In recent decades, there has been a huge The proliferation of means of birth control available, which Family planning easier. It is not our intention to address the issue of family Planning in general. What we do in this article See how to work the different methods of contraception and Show that there are certain forms that no Christian should use. In addition, we believe that the decision to practice birth control personal. CHRISTIANS Contraception Do not use We have said that family planning is not something that we may be a simple answer “Yes” or “no”. In many aspects, it is something that each couple must decide alone before God. But while there are several forms of Birth Control, which has clearly condemned by Scripture and Thus, a Christian is not free to use. In the next section, we abstinence, abortion is discussed, and certain types of birth control - the spiral, the birth of some Pills, pills and the new anti-progesterone (RU-486). Abstinence is not an appropriate form of birth control “Now concerning the things you write: It is for a man to touch a woman. However, to to avoid fornication, let each have his own wife, and every woman her husband that the man give Women’s goodness, and also the wife to Husband. The woman has no power of the body, but Husband: just as the husband has no power of its own body, but the woman. Defraud not one another, except be with the consent of a time that you give Fasting and prayer, and come together again that Satan seduced For you not for your incontinence. “(1 Corinthians 7:1-5) If a couple decides to family planning is the will of God for them, The question of the method must still be answered.

What Abstinence? Some decide to give up sex for to prevent conception. The New Testament can not be such a Agreement on a long term basis. In I Corinthians 7 of the Apostle Paul says that one of the objectives of protecting marriage and men Women fornication. In marriage, couples are totally free, determined. There is nothing unspiritual Relations between spouses. “Marriage must take place in honor of all and the bed spotless. . . “(Hebrews 13:4) “Drinking water from your cistern, and running The water of the fountain. Let your fountain will be distributed When abroad, and rivers of water in the streets. They do yours, and not a stranger to you. Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth. They like love and Doe doe pleasant, let her breasts satisfy you at all times, and am loving her Love. “(Proverbs 5:15-19) Abstinence in marriage is not good. It’s dangerous! It is, in fact, disobedience to the Word of God. The Bible commands Christian couples do not cheat on each other sexually. “The husband of the woman of the band Benevolence, and even the wife to her husband. The The woman has no power over their own bodies, but man so also the husband has no authority over its Body, but the woman. Defraud not one another. . . (1 Corinthians 7:3-5) The husband is responsible for satisfying the physical woman Needs, it is his responsibility to fulfill. The only exception is the purpose of fasting and prayer, and only for once - and not a permanent arrangement or long distance, but temporary attention for periods of prayer. Other Abstinence brings increased danger of Satan, with the help of natural resources desires of the flesh to create situations of temptation. “… Except with his consent for a time as his You can indulge in fasting and prayer, and to assemble again, that Satan tempt you not for your lack [Incontinence ] Auto. ‘(1 Corinthians 7:5) So, okay, except for short periods of men and women for prayer and fasting, abstinence is not used as a birth Control method. Abortion is not an appropriate method of contraception “Can a woman forget her child, they no mercy for his son’s body to do? YEA. . . . “(Isaiah 49:15) It’s almost strange that, in conversation with Christians concerning Family planning, we would have to address the issue Abortion morally unacceptable. But the fact is that many large Christian denominations now supports “pro-choice. Many Christian leaders do not give a warning against this strong great evil. In fact, some who call themselves evangelicals are to support early abortion in certain cases. For example, Intervarsity Press published a book in 1985 called the Brave New The inhabitants of Gareth Jones. Consider some quotes from this book - “If abortion is considered a reasonable decision examine the fetus, and parents and The brothers and sisters “(p. 157). “In this case, to decide whether his Abortion fetal benefit “(p. 158). “Not a word in the Bible speaks of people People before birth “(p. 169). “I am ready to acknowledge that there are circumstances where, very sorry, even Christians may have to consider abortion “(p. 173). “Unfortunately, some families can not cope with such Challenge, and a compromise must be accepted reluctantly, namely, the interruption of pregnancy] [abortion. . . God The love for the weak. . . Examination showed concern for abnormal and those likely to be rejected by society " (P. 179). Because of pressure from both sides stopped Intervarsity Sales of the book. But it has already been published by another Christian publisher, Eerdmans, and is supported by many To claim to be evangelical Christians. Life begins at conception For the Bible, believers no doubt about it. Scripture tells us that human life begins at conception. The Moment sperm joins the egg, has a new life started. Many say it is not possible to know exactly when the To be fully human embryos, so it should be like a child. The Bible makes no confusion. Consider the following: "See, I was wrong, and has a shape in the sin in my Mother conceived me. "(Psalm 51:5) In Psalm 51 David shows his remorse for adultery with Bathsheba and murdered her husband. In verse five he admits he is a sinner from the moment of conception. This is confirmed by the apostle Paul in Romans 5:12 - "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, so death entered all men, that all sinned. "Since Adam and Eve rebelled against God, nature was fallen down from generation to Generation by sperm of the Father. But note that David speaks of himself in a personal way, even to review its design. He said that I was fit The iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me. It was David itself, which has been designed. "You made me fall on the knees of my mother. I Praise to you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. . . My Substance was not hidden from you when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the world. Your Eyes saw my substance, yet being imperfect, and in your Book all my members were written, which were in stock the former, as yet there was not one of them. "(Psalm 139:13-16) For the Bible-believers, do not let this astonishing passage in question any statement as to whether an embryo is a real person Child. The author, David says that God, who has been trained in the womb and that God knew all about him even it grows from conception - before starting his little heart won in three weeks after conception, before the buds small arms and legs seemed to four weeks after conception, before his little brain into two sections divided into five weeks after Design, took shape before his eyes least six weeks after Concept - "if it is not one of them:" God knew. The fertilized egg in the uterus of the mother of David was only a small thing microscopic size, but the egg is fertilized known by God as David, the future king of Israel and Great-great-great-grandfather of the Lord Jesus Christ. We see that if a fertilized egg is off somehow, cut so he dies, death is a separate individual human being occurred. It is true that many eggs for various reasons are not naturally attached to the uterine wall of the mother After impregnation, and therefore not ripe for the birth. But man has nothing to do with it. It's the same with life after Birth. Men die in many ways, natural and unnatural. Often this can not be stopped. But if someone takes a knife or a poison and ended the life of an individual, it is murder. If the murderer argued that he killed would die anyway, or that People die every day, we should not be so worried, its Argument is unacceptable. He killed a man and will be punished. Similarly, if someone stops the growth of a tiny embryo, even if the drugs or other means, this person killed by a little God alone is already known. "If people try and strike a woman, so that deviate from the fruits of his sound, and yet quite follow: it will certainly be punished, as the husband of the woman fall upon him, and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if all the trouble followed, thou shalt give life for The life, eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hand to hand, foot for Foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for Bands. "(Exodus 21:22-25) Note that the Bible says the woman, the unborn child is a fruit. God calls a child, and if the unborn child is injured, God necessary that the person who caused the pain of being punished. "What you do not know what is the way of the spirit nor how the bones in the womb, they grow with Children: even if you do not know the works of God, maketh All. "(Ecclesiastes 11:5) Again, the Bible, the small, more and more in gasoline to rise said a woman's womb is a child. This is not a drop of protoplasm, or Thing or people under-developed. He is a child during the small bones form. "Listen, O Isles, to me and listen, you peoples, by far, the Lord took me from the uterus, My mother's womb, he mentioned my name. . . And Now, says the Lord, take me to the uterus to its Servant. . . . "(Isaiah 49:1,5) "And the word of the Lord came to me and said: Before you in the belly I knew thee, and before You left the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained you a prophet to the nations. "(Jeremiah 1:4,5) The passage in Isaiah refers prophetic of the Lord Jesus Christ, and perhaps also himself refers to Isaiah. The similar Passage in Jeremiah, the prophet speaks of the relationship with God before birth. Note that we see again that God has called before they were born, and it is God who has trained in Lap of their mothers. Those who interfere with the process of Growth after the egg has been fertilized interfering mother with God's work of building a man who is known by God. This is a very serious matter. When we asked Isaiah, Jeremiah, the mother or the mother who was his knees would have responded had experienced The prophecies that were to follow: "This is Isaiah" "This is Jeremiah." What the Lord Jesus Christ, Do not leave a question in the Bible. "Birth Jesus Christ was on this path: His mother Mary was Joseph committed before they came together she was found with Child of the Holy Spirit "(Matthew 1:18). Later, the Angel Joseph said that the baby's name is Jesus and that " which is conceived in her, the Holy Spirit "(Mt 1:20,21). As soon as their first-born son of Mary has received supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, he was called a little child. And It was the very first stages of growth uterus. "... And he will be with the Holy Spirit, not filled From the bosom of his mother. "(Luke 1:15) It is true that John the Baptist was not an ordinary child, but the fact that it was filled with the Holy Spirit even before his People clearly indicates that he was fully man. If someone had broken, something in the womb of Elizabeth, which is were the killers of Jean-Baptiste. "And it came to pass, when Elizabeth heard the child leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost. "(Luke 1:41) This passage from the Bible shows the page, which also has medical Doctors are finding - that the unborn child is known Things outside the mother's body reacts to them. In this case, the unborn child was Jean-Baptiste. Remember that it is already filled with the Holy Spirit, and he knew that the situation happened outside the womb when the mother of her Lord and Savior meets his own mother, Elizabeth. Note also that the Here is an unborn baby. These articles written before us, but we have two Decisions - we can dismiss the Bible and its teachings or we can Recognize that the fertilized egg is a small man, known of God, and the mysterious and miraculous growth occurring During his nine months in the womb is God's direct method the working group are babies under its own plan and purpose. Each time someone interferes with the growth of a The embryo is murder. Birth Control Pills and the spirals are not practicing right FROM Birth Control After review of abstinence and abortion, there are some other contraceptive methods, considered in light of The teaching of the Bible, that Christians are prohibited. In short, any method birth control, which cuts the growth of already fertilized egg is a form of abortion is therefore murder. We have seen that begins after the word of God for Life design - the moment when the sperm with the accession Mother of the egg. At the time, begins a new life and unique man of his eternal journey, after a living soul mysterious conditions of work of the Almighty. We have seen that the Bible This teaches. Not all scientists agree that modern embryo is a newly conceived human being is at this point in time, But all agree that there is a new and unique life began its explosive growth in overall development. Scientists also know that a new human life begins at Conception (fertilization). In an excellent book entitled The Point of view of modern science in early human life (Copyright 1975, scientists for life), we read this brilliant simple and clear explanation on page 15 - "When did you start your life?" The answer to this Question can be made simply by becoming backward in time. Before an adult, you were a teenager, and before a child, and before the child. Before you were ie child - "Before you were born - you were a fetus, and before the embryo. Before you were an embryo, Time of your implant, you were a blastocyst, and before a morula and primarily as a fertilized egg or zygote. However, you were never a sperm or an unfertilized egg. Therefore, while life is continuous, your life began when the the sperm nucleus of your father with the molten core of your Eggs from the mother or during fertilization. [The Christian News (January 13, 2024), p. 8] Because the new discovery research methods such as electron microscope to observe the scientists today, the small cells and the genes that make up a living body. They actually observed the formation of man from the time of genes father and mother are united. Consider the following Describe what happens during the first weeks after Concept: “In the [first seven weeks] cells maintain their complicated maneuver, the investment in models that give human form of the embryo. At one end of the third week gutterlike groove in the back folds into a neural tube defect - the Future nervous system. When the tube closes, the brain takes Form already back in the differentiation medium and The forebrain. The embryo of five weeks, only one third of an inch LONG is a marvel of miniaturization: limb buds Send forms, the shoots of the emerging brand dimples [start] form The hands and feet, and the mussels back stalked eyes. The seventh and eighth weeks, the embryo does not face Man, the members of the hinge joints, hands extended in the fingers and primitive external genitalia appear. . . After eight weeks almost all internal organs are present and the Embryos, barely an inch long, resembles a little person. “At this stage, eight weeks after [the design], 95 Percent of known structures, functions and organs nerves and tiny muscles in the fingers, there is, “said Dr. Ronan O’Rahilly, an embryologist at the University of California at Davis (Newsweek, January 11, 1982, p. 37). Three stages of development In reflecting on methods of prevention, it is important To understand something about this process, in which the mother eggs is fertilized and becomes a fully developed child. The process can be divided into three stages - 1) On fertilizer, 2) implantation, 3) growth. During fertilization, the sperm enters the Father Mother of the egg. What happens in the mother near the fallopian tubes Uterus. It was then that the genes of the mother and father have joined the new human life, its Descendants. is known at this stage, the developing child medical terms a “zygote”, which is a Greek word “Yoke together.” In addition, the small, still more of their journey in person Uterus, where it is attached to the uterine wall. This implantation and occurs between days 5 and 8 and is completed by day 9 or 10 (the Merck Manual, Fourteenth Edition, p. 1708). The developing baby is now called an “embryo” which is to swell the Greek word “.” It is a very good view because the cells of these newly created small to be multiplied a breathtaking speed. For a very short The time, the developing embryo refers directly from their food Uterus, placenta and umbilical cord to be. While there is nothing left, but when the baby growth forms the body quickly. After about eight weeks of the child cried the medical term “fetus” under the Latin word for “offspring”. The process incredibly complex and beautiful Approach is described by a physician as follows - “First there is the ovary, deep in the body, that moved by an unknown force, rotates once per month compared to the funnel shaped opening at the end of the fallopian tubes Tube. On the surface of the ovary is a small bubble, a Blister pack containing an egg, which, alone, for some mysterious reason has emerged from a field of 250,000 to months older. “Suddenly, the bubble bursts. Triggered by an increase luteinizing hormone, a chemical messenger of the eloquent Contracts brain, ovaries and highly mature egg bursts further. The fringe provided at the end of the fallopian tubes hose to reach like fingers to hold the] eggs [egg and draw it in the narrow tunnel tube. In a dream, ballet in slow motion, with thousands of tiny eyelashes rolling Caress oocyte maturation and gently move with his travel of four inches, four days to the uterus. "Guided by a mechanism of finding, the nature of We can not assume the sperm swim to the gate of the past the cervix itself. You must then navigate the entire length of the uterus and swim in the narrow upper reached the dark tubes meet and fertilize Egg. "The process is carefully orchestrated, the Co- Coordination of many biological details incredibly complex. It is for example only at this time of the month Mucus that produced the neck allows the sperm to pass through the cervix into the uterus. At other times of the Months form the molecules of the mucus a crosshatched pattern to block the sperm so that they are too young to reach an egg old to be fertilized properly, resulting in a deformation Baby. In due course, when the molecules of the mucus Refocusing microscopic tunnel formed to promote Cum on their journey. "The communication system biochemical bring all this is so sophisticated that it makes Technology transfer of radiant orbit planetwide Search by satellite as a breeze. When the sperm finally meet the egg, they secrete a number of enzymes, the sweet the outer shell of the egg and make it permeable. Meanwhile other chemicals were secreted into the tube Maturation of the egg, it is ready, the sperm is to accept that has managed to penetrate the outer shell. The sperm and egg Lock genetic weapons, a binding of a more complicated Biochemistry and mixed DNA and RNA from the mother and Father to create a concept of a unique human being will grow. "Once fertilized, the egg completes its journey in the uterus. The uterus has announced the next Pregnancy through a complex chemical communication System, increased fat and fat "(wife / physician: Education by Jane Patterson, MD, New York: Avon Books, 1983). As I said, all processes, which we selectively intervene knowingly and stop the growth of the fertilized egg, already a new, unique human being, abortion. If fertilized egg is not allowed to implant in the uterus, it is be killed. The only difference between this and a later Abortion is the size and stage of development of small people Descendants. The methods of birth control in the outcome ABORTION Many of our readers will probably think, as we do not long ago to act as contraceptive pills and devices for PROHIBIT fertilization. In fact, as we see, from a doctor Facts have proven the potential to produce the pill, abortion after fertilization. The spiral, the contraceptive pill and the new anti-progesterone pill devices actually abortion because they prohibit the establishment of destroying law, embryo is already living in rapidly changing, microscopic. In an article entitled "contraceptives: Pending" 5, May 1986 issue of Newsweek, several types of birth The controllers are discussed, which is still in development Stage. After describing a drug that blocks the preparation of the the uterus for implantation of a fertilized egg already This statement is made: "Many experts believe that the the anti-abortion climate is there a prospect unlikely for the U.S. market because, in fact, it induces a Abortion. " The fact that birth control drugs may produce early abortions newly fertilized egg is a known and recognized by those who understand how drugs work. But the facts are not widely known outside medical circles, and many are none of these things. It is hoped that the following get a wide audience. The following documents are shocking figures published by the Lutheran Life. The medical facts were written by JC Willke, MD, President of the National Right to Life Committee of America. The I. and D. What is the mechanism of action of IUDs? It seems this time that the medical opinion has crystallized close Unanimity. The presence of this foreign body into the cavity of the the uterus produces a foreign body reaction. It is a local sterile (usually), inflammatory reaction, which alters the normal Bodily fluids within the uterus. It changes what was a Environment for sperm migration and subsequent implantation of the new man in a little friendly Environment. Some have produced the liquid intrauterine described as "sterile pus." hostile fluid The environment can affect the sperm migrate into the Uterus and fallopian tubes, and certainly not influence later implantation. Not too much has been said and written, to indicate that the The sperm are hindered in their passage through the uterus to if they were, could not be fertilization. Most research Finally we said the same thing. make a significant number of sperm into the uterus to go into the ovaries and Fertilization and may actually occur. What is clear is that after fertilization, the Process does not usually an established pregnancy. What are the postulated mechanisms for which they are not "is Pregnant? "Overwhelming majority, almost all medical studies have prevents implantation in various mechanisms the coating of nutrients from the uterus, through the foreign body and inflammatory reaction caused by the spiral. The end result is, however, in almost all cases, if fertilization does not occur (a pregnancy is the occasional full name and delivered with the spiral in the womb), it is followed by a process Lead to the destruction of new human being developing in the womb implant by his handicap. Is exactly BE Described as an abortion. Of course, almost all the common elements Shows that, to avoid the IUD ACT high impact Implantation. The fact that she is described as "contraceptives" Agent is due to a change in the meaning of words by the Food and Drug Administration and the American College of Obstetrics and obstetrics decade ago, when the definition of "new "Design" location. In these semantics Gymnastics is a contraceptive "but everyone familiar with the operation goes well, that its action is an abortifacient. Another relevant medical review should be done. In all Probability, the IUD could be removed from the market within a reasonable time for them to serious side effects Effects. Pus "sterile does not mention" always sterile. Sometimes it is infected, which varying degrees of inflammation of female genitalia and sometimes Sterility. All physicians practicing in the United States have been Published a few years ago when it inserts a Type of IUD, Dalcon Shield, a woman, whether their legal obligation to inform him that this could permanently sterile. For protection against possible future malpractice The tightening should be done this consent in writing. Faced with such refer to this particular form of the spiral has been withdrawn. What other types of IUDs remain on the market for an indefinite period is an open question. It is at least possible that they can not be removed for medical reasons before any law (The Christian News 13 January 2024). PILL The pill is now over 30 different varieties chemical constituents of the synthetic equivalent of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, as well as the so-called "Mini-pill", which contains progesterone only. Understand that There are different degrees of shares with different pills we have more of this effect and the other has more of it Indeed, they can at least partly be described generic. The combination pills work in three basic actions "Prevention" of pregnancy. The first effect of contraception Also 35 ] It taken. ” The It was . . 1st ” Month. 2nd 3rd It is a May ” 1st 2nd 3rd . . . . . ” 4th . . . . 5th

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