The Latest in Tummy Tucks: High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty

The tummy tuck procedure can have a youthful appearance in your abdominal area, but many people do not like the fact that it is visible scars on the front of the thighs and the pubis. This is especially evident when wearing a bathing suit. Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery has come a long way since its inception and continues to. Dr. Linderman, a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, uses the model generates high lateral tension abdominoplasty procedure by Dr. Ted Lockwood. The high lateral tension abdominoplasty procedure has been described as cosmetic surgery version Äúfine adjustment. Au One of the disadvantages of previous procedures were Abdominoplasty that the scar was near the pubic area is not only visible, but left to seek Äúledge, Au. What happened when the absorbable sutures not well secured, a depression, both thick and wide, was common. With the high lateral tension abdominoplasty technique scarring is reduced and contours of the abdomen are more pronounced by a better shape and sculpture the waist region between the breast and thigh.

This procedure is most effective when combined with liposuction to the flanks and the region of the back. This improves the whole body and the way you fit in your clothes. Procedure To achieve this, less scarring, accounts for the high lateral tension abdominoplasty procedure, the deep layers of fat with fixed mesh sutured the tissue around the muscles of the abdomen. These stitches are so close together that you can not get a finger through them. This tightens the entire abdominal cavity, it gives a youthful look. The position of the navel of the implementation and the front leg is lifted. By voltage side rather than vertically, protected the blood supply to the lower abdomen. As we get older and go through weight fluctuations, increased laxity of the tissue in this area. This technique eliminates this negligence by tightening and diluted in the stomach area. Although there is still a scar in the pubic area, it’s at the hips to hide in an oblique 45 degree angle to make it better. Back abdominoplasty procedure, this scar in an obliquely downward. The length of the scar depends on the amount of tissue and skin are to be cut or moved. Placing minimum voltage in the pubic area leads to improved blood flow, considers the thickness of the skin aesthetically desirable. Liposuction of the lateral and upper abdomen enhanced in conjunction with the high lateral tension abdominoplasty, the contours and appearance of the area. This in turn improves the definition of the upper abdomen. A slight disadvantage of this method is that an increased swelling of the lower abdomen is present, and lymphatic drainage, the umbilical and groin area grows.

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