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Posts Tagged ‘Disorders’

a Sign of Systemic Disease-skin Disorders

The following article presents the very latest information on Diseaseskin, Disorders, Hyperpigmentationa, Sign, Systemic. If you have a particular interest in Diseaseskin, Disorders, Hyperpigmentationa, Sign, Systemic, then this informative article is required reading.

Truthfully, the only difference between you and Diseaseskin, Disorders, Hyperpigmentationa, Sign, Systemic experts is time. If you’ll invest a little more time in reading, you’ll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to Diseaseskin, Disorders, Hyperpigmentationa, Sign, Systemic.

Increased pigmentation of the skin is seen in a number of systemic diseases. In porphyria cutanea tarda, hyperpigmentation occurs on the face and arms, presumably because of the photosensitizing effect of porphyrins. It is accompanied by hirsutism of the face together with skin fragility or blistering of the dorsal hands. There often is laboratory evidence of liver disease. Elevated urine levels of uroporphyrin and coproporphyrin are diagnostic. When skin lesions suggestive of porphyria cutanea tarda are accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms, neurologic problems, or psychiatric changes, stool porphyrins should be obtained to evaluate for the possible presence of variegate porphyria.
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