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Many erroneously believe that ADHD, (or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), is simply bad behavior. If a parent disciplines their child better, then the problem will go away. Well, the issue is not that simple. Why? It’s because there are physiological factors involved with the disorder. And, if these issues are not treated, the child will still suffer from the disease, (regardless of the amount of discipline they receive).

This is why most doctors recommend prescription medications for ADHD sufferers. And, usually these medications will fall into two categories: stimulants and non-stimulants.

Examples of stimulants include Ritalin, (the most infamous), Dexedrine and Adderall. All of them work the same way. Basically, they try to alleviate ADHD symptoms by increasing the amount of Dopamine in a child’s brain. This is a neurotransmitter that plays a vital role in making a person feel good.

Yet, for many ADHD children, the benefits associated with stimulants are short-lived. This is because they have a host of side effects including:

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Math is a very important subject for everyone to master. Mathematics is used in every area of life in the home, on the job, and even in recreation.

The problem is that some people just dont understand the concepts. This can be caused by different factors. Sometimes a child in school does not grasp the basic functions because of attention or classroom problems. This causes them to experience problems as each year new and more advanced tasks are added to their work.

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