Posts Tagged ‘Chemotherapy’

Ovarian Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ovarian cancer is cancer that begins in the ovaries. The ovaries are glands found only in women. The ovaries produce eggs (ova) for reproduction. The eggs travel through the fallopian tube toward the uterus where the fertilized egg implants and develops into a fetus. The ovaries are the main source of estrogen and progesterone hormones for women. One ovary is located on each side of the uterus in the pelvis. Causes of ovarian cancer women without children were slightly more likely to ovarian cancer than women to develop, although the risk is still low. After two or more children may offer more protection than one. Satisfy your children can easily reduce your risk. Begin your time with an early or late menopause slightly increases the risk of ovarian cancer. If a woman has ovarian cancer and her daughter developed cancer of the ovary, is the daughter probably evolve to cancer at a relatively young age (under 60). Family history: The risk of a woman developing ovarian cancer if she has a first-degree relatives (eg sister, mother, grandmother) who suffered from ovarian cancer. The risks are not necessarily due to family history of ovarian cancer - but if the genetic mutations present. However, the risk of a woman for ovarian cancer with family history of breast or colorectal cancer are linked. The risk of ovarian cancer is indirectly proportional to the age of the parent who suffered from cancer of the ovary. Symptoms of early stage ovarian cancer ovarian cancer may not cause many symptoms, or they may be vague and overlooked. In addition, vague abdominal or pelvic symptoms are usually non-cancerous. If they are within a few days to a week to go, they can simply intestinal disorders caused by something you ate or a viral infection to be. / Abdominal discomfort or pelvic pressure or pain in the back leg bloating changes in bowel function or urinary frequency germ cell tumors - Ovarian germ cell tumors arise from cells that produce the ova or eggs. Most germ cell tumors are benign, but some cancer cells and can be fatal. The most common germ cell tumors are malignant teratoma mature endodermal sinus tumors and dysgerminomas. Young people and women in their 20s are most often diagnosed with malignant germ cell tumors. Prior combination chemotherapy as the most aggressive treatment of these tumors - abnormal sinus tumor of BSP was available - a disease-free survival rate one year only 10 per cent to 19 per cent shareholders, although 70 percent of these tumors were diagnosed early. Today, however, 90 percent of women with germ cell tumors of the ovary can be cured and their fertility preserved. Treatments for Ovarian Cancer Surgery is the preferred treatment and it is often necessary to diagnose ovarian cancer. Studies have shown that the operation was conducted by an eminent specialist in gynecologic oncology at a rate higher than cure. Chemotherapy is used as after surgery to treat a disease remaining. Chemotherapy can also be used if the cancer is back.

Cancer Chemotherapy and its side effects

Cancer chemotherapy is a treatment method useful in the treatment of cancer cells by anticancer drugs. This chemotherapy is described as a routine treatment. The drug is administered as tablets or injected directly into the blood continued intravascular injections. The drug enters the blood and destroys cancer cells in the location of the tumor. Chemotherapy is useful in the treatment of both benign and malignant tumors. The drugs that we supply is to kill cancer cells rare side effects due to over-dose or improper use. Chemotherapy attacks the cancer cells by preventing their unusual growth. The nature of cancer cells were in the normal state, introduced by controlling the divisibility cells. These drugs are transported in the blood to kill, destroy all cancer cells in a short time. drugs used in cancer chemotherapy can be administered in hospital or at home. Using this medicine may be daily, weekly or monthly, depending on the stage of cancer and immune system of the body. Chemotherapy is considered the basis of age, sex, drug toxicity and body weight. The dosage and ease of use should be carried out under proper supervision. Currently on the market are drugs of more than 50 cancer in terms of usability. The anti-cancer drug used to treat many cancers. The use of these drugs is different in that place. • Series of combined drug or chemotherapy for the treatment of various cancers. • Use of one drug for the treatment process, which started as monotherapy • After chemotherapy with other treatments such as radiotherapy, surgery and active surveillance. The drug can be made in various ways such as: • tablet form or as tablets (oral) •

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