Posts Tagged ‘Dog’

First Aid For Dog Bites And Insect Stings

Most dog bites occur around the neck, face, ears, and upper chest. And although most skin punctures from other canine teeth look simple and clean, there is often considerable damage through the flesh. Injuries, bites, insect stings or venomous animals and often difficult to find and treat symptomatically. Contact your veterinarian if the dog shows any agitation at all. Some bite and sting descriptions as well as the best way to Bites1 umgehen.Dog. If you see two dogs fighting each other so be careful not to injure themselves if they try to separate them. A safe and effective way to break two dogs is to throw cold water on them. Make sure you allow the dog some time to calm down before the examination for possible injuries. If you see, the skin is punctured or torn, the hair clip of Wunde.2. Remove all the hair cut, then rinse thoroughly with warm water and mild disinfectant. To avoid the hair further into the interior of the wound and cause irritation, a small amount of petroleum jelly around the Bisses.3. If the skin is punctured, then take the dog to the vet to get some kind of antibiotic treatment. If the skin is broken, then make sure antiseptic ointment to the surface. Do not worry if bruises. If the destruction is so serious is that your dog needs bekommen. Bienen stitches and your dog can play outside experience WespenstichenWährend stung by a wasp or a bee. Although both types of insects are similar, they may be another shot. Hornet and wasp stings cause pain and swelling. Some dogs are very sensitive and allergic to bites and react badly. If there is acute swelling of the mouth of veterinary care immediately is essential Bedeutung.Wenn a bee sting your dog, it leaves a thorn embedded in the skin. If you look at the suspect your dog has been stung by a bee, then, the area carefully to determine exactly the Stinger. Once located, remove the stinger with tweezers. You may have to look through a magnifying glass, just to make sure all Stinger untapped. If there is excessive swelling once the stinger is removed, apply an ice pack.

Dogs Cushing?s disease, if not treated, can eventually progress into a life-threatening condition for you pet

Dog Cushing’s syndrome, if untreated, can possibly life-threatening for your pet’s progress. It can cause kidney failure, liver and heart failure and diabetes and even various neurological diseases. This disease is caused and your pet much more susceptible to infections in the mouth, ears, and certain regions of their skin, their urinary tract. Dog Cushing’s syndrome is also known as hyperadrenocorticism and is the result of a chronic overproduction of cortisol excess in the body of your dog. In a normal, healthy dog, the pituitary secretes a hormone called ACTH, and the great task of promoting the adrenal gland to produce glucocorticoids, which is a steroid hormone. This hormone is a need for multiple functions of the body of your dog. If too many steroids (cortisone) is created, a Cushing’s dog is the result. There are three causes of Cushing’s syndrome dog, there are problems with the pituitary gland, the second with the problems of the adrenal gland, and the third one thing by the man. Your dog, the body produces a natural reaction to stressful situations cortisol. The pituitary gland, you will find your dog in the brain, regulates the activity of the adrenal gland, right in front of the kidney. The pituitary gland produces a hormone called ACTH, which is the hormone responsible for stimulating the production of cortisone in the adrenal gland in the body of dogs. The main cause of Cushing’s syndrome in dogs is far away, when one form of tumors of the pituitary gland produces ACTH. This causes the body to produce too much cortisone. There were a few cases occurred, but not as much as in the first instance, where cortisol may produce a tumor of the adrenal gland, and disease. The third cause of Cushing’s dogs is when your dog is too much, either by injections of cortisone, or by supplementation of cortisone cortisone. If your dog produces too little of this vital organ of cortisone can produce weakness, vomiting, sudden drop, and result in severe cases, even death. If your body produces too many dogs, the result is Cushing’s syndrome another dog, which can also lead to several potential health problems for your dog. So where exactly has vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B complex to enter the picture with the dog, Cushing’s syndrome? Most of the diseases or conditions with your dog can be helped and even prevented if their immune system has been built to fight against burglary. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is a vitamin that helps the body critical to cope with stress of your dog, because it increases the activity of the adrenal glands. Vitamin B5 is also very effective in increasing energy levels, and other B vitamins such as niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, B6 and B12, which help the nervous and endocrine system. There are several symptoms you can look for this disease, the most common is that the loosening of ligaments in the abdomen and an enlarged liver caused. This is the main reason why dogs develop the disease, stomach “pot” and is perhaps the clearest sign that your dog has this disease, and is supported by the change of fat in the abdomen, while puts at the same time caused the loss of cortisone, muscle is weakened. The reduction of cortisone in this disease also causes hair loss and thinning of the skin. It increases appetite and thirst needs pets as well, which is a result of weight gain, excessive alcohol consumption, and the need for increased urination. Dog Cushing’s syndrome is generally a disease of middle-aged dogs (and cats), but is much more common in dogs, and will affect older dogs usually five or seven years, and is slightly more common among women, only because more men adrenal tumors. There, as in most diseases in dogs of certain breeds that are more in danger and they are the smaller breeds that are more Terrier, Silky, Bull Boston Terrier Yorkshire and miniature poodles and toy, and dachshunds. The diagnosis of this disease can be very difficult because it resembles other types of diseases that your dog can get. It is very important to your veterinarian for a thorough and comprehensive review of their complete blood count CBC as we know, and complete blood count and urinalysis. Treatment of dogs, Cushing’s syndrome is the owner of several options, including operation exist, depending on the tumor, and if the tumor affects the adrenal gland. Surgery on a tumor on the pituitary gland, simply because the brain is very specialized and no real option for most homeowners. The most common treatment for this disease are non-surgical. Oral treatments have proven very effective in the treatment of pituitary tumors. Although over 80% more of all cases of this disease affects the pituitary gland, adrenal glands were also successfully treated with the same oral therapies. The main forms of treatment are Lysodren, ketoconazole and trilostane. Trilostane is the last treatment and proved to be very promising for this disease. Until recently, the only real Lysodren nonsurgical treatment. It is very cheap, very effective and is still the most common form of oral therapy. However, it takes a little more potentially serious adverse impact on your dog, and have even begun, your dog will have this treatment for the rest of their lives. Ketoconazole was generally disturbing for several years because of its side effects used in the synthesis of steroid hormones, but their use has fallen almost entirely to the introduction of trilostane. Trilostane has shown promising results in treatment of dogs with Cushing’s syndrome and almost no side effects. If your dog is treated properly, they can live a happy and healthy life for a few years.

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