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Organic Lawn Care for the DIY Crowd

Organic Lawn Care DIY CrowdSie want a healthy lawn that is safe for people, animals and the environment, chemical lawn fertilizer safe insecticides and herbicides? Go organic! It is easy to maintain, and less costly in the long Sicht.Wie and where to start? Your lawn is as healthy as the soil it grows in. A healthy soil is the most important aspect of a healthy lawn. Extensive studies have shown that healthy soil has many advantages for the Bio-lawn. Many weeds are simply suppressed. develop root systems that provide resistance to drought and hardness. Insects and diseases naturally occurring soil minimiert.Gesunder contains potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus as well as billions of beneficial microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa and larger creatures like earthworms to build soil structure. Chemically treated lawns, in contrast, have very little life because, over time, kill fertilizers and pesticides or slow these creatures useful. The underlying basis of organic lawn care practices is the management of soil in which bleibt.Unkräuter get the biotic nature, insects and lawn diseases are chemical messengers that tell you what’s wrong with your soil. “You can hide the message and kill the messenger chemical fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides, but it does not kill the message. A green lawn is not necessarily a healthy lawn. Care to eliminate or ecological lessons significantly Nachricht.Gesunde Soil needs organic matter. The organic matter contains nutrients, moisture retention, texture, and environment to maintain populations of microorganisms. Soil fertility is essential for a lawn healthy. There are two categories of organic materials: green organic materials such as fresh grass, manure and other living plants (weeds) and plant products contain large amounts of nitrogen and organic matter such as brown plants and dried leaves, twigs and woody materials (petioles) have a high carbon content, but are relatively low in Stickstoff.Grundsätzlich green food supply material for the Baxter (bacteria, fungi and small invertebrates such as worms) , internal production and supply nutrients for crop supply. Brown materials for a house of green matter Baxter. The decomposition of both green and brown organic matter soil organic matter or cause Humus.Verdichteten unhealthy lawns. They stay soggy wet, and turn to hard rock when they dry in summer. As soils are “tight”, air, water and nutrients do not move easily into the ground. disease occurs. The roots are stunted. beneficial microorganisms can not survive. plants are stressed and weak. If you do everything, soil compaction is to ruin all your efforts. One of the secrets, a large lawn with a porous soil, well-ventilated area where the roots can grow deep and BioLife can thrive. According to experts, the best soil that contains about 25% air. If the soil well aerated and bio-active roots grow longer and plants are much healthier. call flow faster when wet, but it actually holds more water if dry conditions sind.Bis recently, with lawn aeration is heavy, with an aerator Basic mechanical expensive than the holes (cores) on the lawn every 6 inches drilled to a depth of 2-3 inches, leaving much confusion. Now there aerator Bio-enhanced liquid bio-activators added to relax the speed your soil regeneration and detoxification that are applied with a garden hose with a sprayer (below $ 15. 00) können.Naturrasen Breakdown: Is reduzierenBeseitigt compacted clay and the need for water retention during Mechanical BelüftungErhöht TrockenzeitBio-enabled and detoxifies the soil moist KrankheitVerbessert BodenReduziert VerwurzelungHilft rapid fertilizer AbflussMaximiert VorteileSafe about sprinklers and control the value BäumeBiologische InsektenBrix and liver InsektenEine is needed to digest sugar. When an insect, that the liver, sugar consumed, the sugar alcohol is finally off and kill insects. insects instinctively know this, and equipment with high Brix (and, because of the high sugar content) is the UV light various models and electricity, which communicate with insects, they remain far emittieren.Leider became the norm to ignore these warning signs and simply kill all insects - either with chemicals or toxic insecticides some natural alternative. Of course, these two options is probably the best natural choice, but this is not the central issue of this situation. areason errors are for. The plant is not healthy. Talk -in at the factory and get healthy, the sugar plant, the insect is now more attractive Nahrungsquelle.Die grasses have such a low Brix value (generally not greater than about 6 or 8 and often much lower) that feed on insects on them throughout the day. Raising the Brix of a plant is actually quite simple. For good nutrition, including eating a balanced diet of macro-and micro -nutrients and trace elements. organic fertilizers and soil amendments such as humic acid diet is much better to provide each of the plants as chemical fertilizers. Brix Some fertilizers will increase more than others. For example, fertilizer Kelp is probably the most effective way to improve the overall nutrition of plants (and therefore the Brix value), because most fertilizers are made from kelp become very cold, almost free toxin and nutrient of dense water, such as the North Atlantic. Since kelp is a plant itself, the macro-and micro-nutrients, it provides a perfect balance and easy access to a factory. Thus, no addition of algae fertilization program is probably the easiest way to get the Brix of the plant, herbs are among them. therefore increase the regular doses of algae on your lawn and landscape fertilization program, the Brix of your lawn and plants will be increased. The higher the Brix value of less insects and diseases that you get. If you have some sort of insect problem is a fact that your lawn receives very poor diet, and is very ill, even if it does not get necessarily look sick at that time. improve plant nutrition and errors will also prefer most of Broadleaf weeds hinziehen.Organische ControlDie pH 7. 0 or above. Most lawn grasses prefer a pH of about 6 3rd There are two exceptions: St. Augustine (preferably a pH of 7. 5), Centipede (preferably pH 5 0). adding sulfur to your soil discourage weeds. Most weeds require full sun. Keep your lawn height of 2-1/2 to 3 inches will help avoid shadows and Unkraut.Corn be applied to the spring visit to a new growth gluten free Weed removing weed seed germination stoppen.Für more advice, information and ease of use of liquid organic lawn care products, our website

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