Posts Tagged ‘energetic metabolism’

Actovegin – the drug of choice in memory disorders

Actovegin belongs to a group of drugs called metabolism stimulators. The drug activates tissue metabolism, promotes regenerative processes and trophism. The Actovegin is a hemoderivative, which is obtained after dialysis and filtration of calf blood. The drug increases utilization and consumption of oxygen increases energetic metabolism and glucose consumption. As a result the energetic resources of the cell are increased. Increase of oxygen consumption under the influence of Actovegin leads to stabilization of plasmatic membranes in ischemia and decreases the formation of lactates. Actovegin not only increases intracellular concentration of glucose, but also improves oxidative metabolism, satisfying the cells energy needs.

The Actovegin is prescribed in patients with cerebral blood flow impairment as well as impairment of cellular metabolism function in the cerebrum, for example in cases of dementia. The effects of the drug can be monitored within 10 to 30 minutes after administration and reach their maximum in 3 hours.

The drug is prescribed in the following conditions:

  • As supportive therapy in metabolic or vascular disorders
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Radiation injuries

The adverse effects of the drug are mainly expressed in possible allergic reactions, such as hives, hyperhydrosis, increased body temperature, itching and etc.

The drug should be avoided during pregnancy as no clinical trial s on the drugs use during the period have been performed. In cases of allergic reactions the use of the drug should be stopped.

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