Posts Tagged ‘protein shakes’
Why protein shakes are good for you
Your primary reason for working out may be to lose weight or get in shape, but that does not mean that you starve yourself. When you engage in a workout or exercise schedule, you need to energy to go through with it. This means consuming the right type of foods. These foods should be minimal in their calorie footprint and high in their energy output. For example, while sushi may be a great food option, the calories in sushi rolls can be devastating.
A great way of getting energy is consuming protein shakes. Protein is an important factor in building up your muscles (and not just in a bodybuilding sense) and your intake of this is crucial. In its very basic form, a protein shake is a bland and boring drink. However, a little imagination and some smart thinking can soon fix that. Including some fruit, nuts, low fat products, no-sugar products etc. can turn that bland and boring drink into something you might want over and over again. Including fruits like bananas in a protein shake is also a great idea. The calories in banana tend to be on the low side and the fruit also releases energy at a constant rate due to its slow digestion by the body.
There are plenty of recipes online which can help you out in making protein shakes. They can be wild and wonderful and healthy to boot. A Chocolate Coffee Protein Shake doesn’t sound bad at all does it? So don’t waste any more time, get cracking on those protein shakes and attack those workouts!