Posts Tagged ‘solution’

Security Solutions - Identifying issues in the organization

Security Solutions - Identifying issues in the organization

In the modern computing, businesses have started working within business networks where they interact with external partners such as customers, vendors. In such a chaotic environment, it is critical that security takes the highest precedence.

Security within perimeters mindset needs to go away, and replaced by a more robust and end to end approach. Developing comprehensive security architecture requires methodical and deliberate analysis. In order to devise optimized security solution, one must evaluate existing security issues within the organization.

How do you identify security issues in your organization?

Security Access Provisioning Process: One of the most common issues in any organization is about security access provisioning. Most if the time, this is done in ad hoc manner. Somebody wants access to a system (e.g. CRM application) and sends a request to the administrator. Administrator provisions the access. Later when that somebody has moved to other department or left the company, that access is still there. Developing a comprehensive access provisioning to all IT systems is very important for any organization.

Data in Transit Issues: Data in transit (when data moves from one system to another system) is another critical aspect of data security. How do you make sure that data flowing on network bus is not being compromised? Passwords, employees’ sensitive HR information flow on network without sufficient protection can lead to severe results. It is important to realize that most of the security issues come from within the firewalls. Employees getting unauthorized access to systems and data can result into significant legal issues.

Data exchanged with External Partners: Data exchanged with external business partners poses another challenge. How do you make sure that the data is viewed only by its intended recipient? How do you make sure that the data integrity was not compromised on the way? On the other hand, how do you make sure that the data coming from external partner was sent by the expected sender? You should realize that enabling a secure operating environment with your partners is a big boost to the business itself.

Intrusion Prevention: When so many systems are put in place to communicate with external partners, how do you make sure that no unwanted intruder is trying to get access to your valuable information? How do you make sure that the incoming data is secure enough so that it can be processed by your systems (e.g. emails, documents, messages)?

Security Analysis and Audit: Do you enforce regular security audits? Do you capture required level of system and access logs in a consistent manner so that a detailed security analysis can be done as and when required? One can identify patterns in log data about upcoming security threats.

Rohit Chopra is a veteran in IT industry with a focus on offshore software development India( Rohit has enabled solutions for Health Care, HR and Media verticals and written article on security solution for offshore software development company.

Simple e-prescribing methods for medical practice e-prescription ,Choose simple stand alone e-prescription software

Simple e-prescribing methods for medical practice e-prescription ,Choose simple stand alone e-prescription software

Recent survey report shows 90% physicians prefer adopting new technology to reduce medical Error, But 75% of them are not happy with complex web-based e-prescription system which are interconnected to certain pharmacy network .Recently Announced the introduction of Doctors Desktop an easy medical practice solution for clinical doctors which adds up to the list of simple stand alone e-prescription software

It is time Medical professional focus into simple stand alone E-prescription and Computerized Medical practice. Marketing analysis shows that Medical professional’s world wide are not satisfied with web based e-prescription solution and networked application currently available in the market. In many case medicos believe that e-prescription is possible only when pharmacy Distribution network is connected to prescribers system and E-prescription application should send prescriptions directly to the pharmacy dispenser, not allowing patients to carry prescriptions.

According to zeetech soft solutions director tajdink “ incorporating e-prescription application to pharmacy network may be possible in usa , but in many other countries it is not possible to follow web-based e-prescription application for e-prescription implementations . We know that e-prescription reduce medical errors, but I do not understand why everybody talks about a system that is very difficult for implementation . Why is it not possible print out e-prescriptions can be carried by patients to the pharmacy? ” .

Medicos prefer all over the world prefer hand writing in medical prescription.”I do not think Software and computer can prescribe much faster than hand. I admit that my handwritten prescription will not meet the standard quality of printed prescription. But how can I attend a patient in less time by using computer? “One of busy Doctors in India asked to marketing manager.

Medicos always think that Hand prescription is the best method to provide instant prescription in less time. By choosing the right e-prescription software medical practice can be made faster than manual prescription. Time can be saved for not repeating prescription for regular patients, Common diseases and symptoms. By using simple standalone E-prescription application it is easy to copy previous prescription to the new prescription table. If regular medicines (favorite medicine) are pre set with dosages, Qty, Days, remarks, etc, it saves the time for rewriting the clarifications in prescriptions. According to Zeetech soft , there e are four fast prescription method available in doctors desktop .Previous prescription, Regular medication, favorite medicines which are pre set .this gives more flexibility for choosing the drug data to prescription table and it gives better result in fast prescription printing. Some print formats click here

Patient registration was a burden for busy doctors in other e-prescription and Medical practice software. Doctor’s desktop makes registration simple and flexible for both Lengthy and short registration. Other main features include the facility to print e-prescription with procedures including price. (Ex: ECG, Dental procedures etc).Automatic drug to drug interaction check, auto allergy check makes the prescription more safe and standard. Features like Drug database management and simple EMR solution makes Doctors desktop the best software in the market.

Inability to adapt to deferent clinical environment is the main reason most of the software currently in the markets is rejected in industry .Doctors desktop is versatile, flexible software for EMR, e-prescription, Medicine database management, hospital management and is the best solution for fast prescription printing.

Doctors desktops can be tried free for one week with full functional features and can be downloaded directly from Download here Zeetech soft solution’s marketing manager Dr.Rajesh says “Most of prescription software available in the market lacks efficiency to meet the minimum demand medicos looking for, fast prescription printing. Doctors desktop Gives 80% priority for instant prescription. But it does not mean we ignore the capabilities and efficiency of technology. Taking full advantages of technology we provide medical professional easy e-prescription and fast e-medical records with full fledged database support”

Managing director advises to Doctors “Acquire maximum benefits from technology, choose Simple e-prescription stand alone software and let patient carry the prescription and choose their pharmacy dispenser”

author reasearched two years for finding the best solutions to satify medicos demands in most case is fast prescribing process.Doctors desktop is the best and simple solution for e-prescribing and EMR.

Trichloracetic Acid for Genital Wart

The trichloroacetic acid (TCA) can be used to treat genital warts. It is a corrosive substance, which erodes the skin and mucous membranes, but generally not absorbed systemically. TCA is applied topically in a solution concentration of 60-90 percent. It is more effective in the treatment of certain small lesions moist. TCA can be used for vaginal and anal injuries treated. A small amount of TCA can be used a wart and let dry to a white frosting develops. If excess tissue unaffected TCA is applied to the surface with liquid soap or baking soda to wash. The application of TCA is accompanied by a burning sensation for the last 2-5 minutes. TCA is a treatment in a controlled manner is provided limited local destruction. injury or scars in the skin are rare. Side effects are local, such as pain, ulcers and crusts. Studies with approval ratings report CAW 70-81 percent after six applications, and the recurrence rate of 36 percent. TCA seems to be less effective than cryotherapy for the treatment of warts. Current practice suggests that TCA has little systemic effects. ACT has been used during pregnancy, but it is not free of side effects in this context. One study showed wart clearance at 97 percent of women treated included, but side effects need for suprapubic catheterization in 7 of 32 women, two women and preterm labor and premature rupture of membranes in 3 women. TCA does not result in morbidity or mortality increased fetal or birth defects related to appear. In addition to efficacy, mechanisms and regimens Find a doctor, the decision on which the treatment of choice. Moreover, it is important to understand the side effects of treatment of genital warts that affect because of side effects of taking decisions that doctors and patients about treatment choices. For example, in an HIV-positive patients with IFN-production is disrupted, is sub-optimal treatment imiquimod. It is also important to determine treatment for a particular patient is to understand the dosage and the need to go to the office or at home with a topical treatment. If patients can not participate in a regular clinical dose influences the choice about treatment. Products for all individuals or “pure” essential oils to maintain the plant material can be used routinely sprayed with toxic chemicals and pesticides during cultivation. These toxins with plant material or essential oils and can occur easily integrate into the blood by topical application, especially when used as a remedy against HPV. researchers have analyzed hundreds of CURED antiviral medicinal plant extracts for their ability to cure genital warts. organic extracts, which showed that the most effective antiviral treatment against HPV in the full scientific studies, while the least impact on the genital tissues were mixed to create HPVCurative. HPVCurative contains organic extracts of antivirals that are licensed in the proven ability to not only act as a treatment against HPV, but also stimulate CD4 T cells to clear cells infected with a virus. Sun HPVCurative eradicate genital warts without recurrence, which is better than other treatments for genital warts. The low molecular weight and lipophilic tendency allows our HPV cure in the DNA of infected cell membranes, in which the HPV virus is intertwined. Its powerful antiviral properties, and then destroy the virus after exposure. HPVCurative is also effective in the treatment available against HPV, since it contains not only the plant’s most potent organic extracts of antiviral drugs, but is well tolerated, tissue and genitals. Plant extracts for the healing of our healing genital warts, which are produced in very small quantities and are not on the commercial market as rare. These plant extracts are purchased directly from growers cured Sri Lanka and Madagascar.

Prevention and Treatment of Ingrown Toenails

Lately it seems as if insurance companies are rejecting more and more small claims and those for minor foot issues are no different. Ingrown toe nails, also known as onychocryptosis, and nail fungus known as Onychomycosis can become a pesky problem and often need medical intervention. However there are several things you can do to prevent and treat this issue at home.

An ingrown toe nail is when the side or corner of your toenail grows into the soft flesh of that toe or the flesh of the toe grows over one or both edges of the nail. This causes swelling, inflammation, redness and can even lead to an nail fungus infection. It is a condition that can become severely painful. When left untreated it can lead to an infection. There are those who suffer from chronic ingrown toenails and experience constant episodes of pain and infection. They can occur in the nails of the hands and feet but are most common and known for affecting the toenails. The toe most affected is generally the big toe.

The first and most important step would be prevention. Nearly all cases of onychocryptosis are from wearing shoes that do not fit properly. This ranges from not enough room for your toes to fully extend, too much side pressure or a constant damp or wet environment without enough air circulation. Subjecting your feet to this daily causes the nail plate to soften and the skin to swell. Another frequent cause of this condition is cutting your toe nails improperly. Cutting the nail too low will allow the nail to bend more and grow into the skin. The angle of the cut is also important and should be straight across the nail. A trauma to the nail by stubbing it or dropping a heavy object onto your foot can cause damage to the nail and force it to grow improperly. Others suffer from this condition chronically due to genetics.

There are several forms of treatment that can be done at home and with proper prevention can cure you of this condition. Soaking a minor infection in an anti bacterial solution or warm salt water for 20 minutes and frequent cleaning of the nail will help ease the problem. Also raising the nail up by placing a cotton ball beneath it will help encourage the nail to grow back in the right place. A Band-Aid can be used to wrap underneath the toe and pull the soft flesh away from the nail to alleviate pain and help direct the nail to grow properly. If the general infection is treated then the nail should heal itself naturally.

In some cases an ingrown toenail results in a serious infection. This must be treated by a doctor and should not be ignored. Your doctor may try to fix the nail by using a splint if the infection is mild and may even suggest an over the counter medication to take. However there are times when surgery is required to remove a portion or the entire nail.

Relieving the Lower Back Pain by Counseling, Support and Pain Clinics

Almost every individual ever get the back pain, and all of them always try to find the solution to relieving the pain. The back pain caused by many causes, usually some people use the wrong way to heal the back pain such as by consuming alcohol or stay in beds all day long. As you know that the wrong way to relieving the back pain will make your pain get worst.

So, how to relieving the back pain or lower back pain? Well there are many safe and right way to help you when you get the back pain. You can come to the physician to talking with her or him about your problem and this is one of the right way to find the best pain relief for your particular condition. You can try to tell the physician about the pain and the location of the pain, so the physician will try to help you find the best solution relieving your pain.

The relaxation, Counseling, Support and Pain Clinics are the best way to relieving the pain that the physician suggested. You can try following the treatment or coming to pain clinics that available for you to help you relieving your back pain.

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